Microplastics in Salt and Sugar

Microplastics in Salt and Sugar

The study by the environmental group raises serious concern on the current focus on ‘recycling’ to address the challenges of dealing with rising e-waste volumes globally and stresses on the need to bring in holistic solutions and shift focus from mere recycling to other aspects of a circular economy like reduce and repair.



The study by the environmental group raises serious concern on the current focus on ‘recycling’ to address the challenges of dealing with rising e-waste volumes globally and stresses on the need to bring in holistic solutions and shift focus from mere recycling to other aspects of a circular economy like reduce and repair.

Factsheets Chlorinated Paraffins (CPs).

Factsheets Chlorinated Paraffins (CPs).

Factsheets Chlorinated Paraffins (CPs). Title: Factsheets Chlorinated Paraffins (CPs).Publication Type: FactsheetsYear of Publication: 2023Abstract: Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are mixtures of polychlorinated n-alkanes, that are widely used as flame retardants,...
Annual Report 2022-23

Annual Report 2022-23

The objective of the study was to assess the current status of Bio medical waste management in Delhi. Though the study looked only at bedded health care facilities, it was clear that this infectious waste, even after almost 20 years of the Rules, is not fully implemented on ground. Though the practices and processes in larger healthcare establishments seemed in compliance with the Rules, the systems in hospitals or nursing homes of smaller sizes were lacking in many aspects. The study has not included clinics or non-bedded facilities, but our observation of the few clinics we visited and interviews of some key stakeholders seemed to suggest that most clinics are not in compliance with the Rules and many of them, in fact, have not even tied with the CBWTFs. One of the major shortcomings is that database of HCFs pertaining to BMWM was neither available online on official website of DPCC nor provided when asked through the medium of multiple RTIs. Non-availability of this data leads to apprehension, as well as is limiting factor to any agenda associated with ensuring the compliance of BMW rule in Delhi.