
Third Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC- 3)

Date: 13th – 19th Nov 2023
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Plastic pollution is a global issue. Tonnes of garbage flow into water bodies through out the year, contaminating rivers and seas and considered to be one of the most significant sources of declining biodiversity and ecological degradation. Read more…

Redefining Consumption: Recommerce Expo 2023 Pioneers Sustainability at Centre Stage

Date: 9th – 11th Aug 2023
Location: Bangalore, India
The Recommerce Expo 2023, in its fourth edition, brought together industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the dynamic landscape of recommerce and sustainable consumption… Read more…

Regional Meeting on Health Care Waste Management in the WHO South East Asia Region

Date: 24th – 27th July 2023
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Mr Satish Sinha, Associate Director of Toxics Link represented the organisation sharing his valuable insights and expertise to the discussions, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of healthcare waste management challenges and solutions.. Read more…

Second Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-2)

Date: 29th May- 2nd June 2023
Location: Paris, France
Ms Priti Banthia Mahesh, Chief Programme Coordinator, Toxics Link, who participated in INC-2 as an observer, made an intervention in the plenary on behalf of Toxics Link. Read more…

The Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions’ Conferences of the Parties meetings.

Date: 1st -12th May 2023
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Toxics Link, actively participated in the BRS COPs and associated side events, and contributed to discussions advocating for sustainable management of chemicals and wastes. Read more…

WHO South East Asia Regional Meeting on Health Impacts of Pollution

Date: 14th -16th March 2023
Location: New Delhi, India

Mr Satish Sinha, Associate Director, and Ms Priti Mahesh, Chief Programme Coordinator of Toxics Link participated in the meeting. Read more…

Fourth Meeting of the SAICM Intersessional Process (IP-4)

Date: 29th August – 2nd September 2022
Location: Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
Mr. Piyush Mohapatra, Senior Programme Coordinator (Chemical and Health programme), represented Toxics Link as a civil society organisation. Read More…

The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions

Date: 16th-17th June 2022
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. Piyush Mohapatra, Senior Programme Coordinator, represented Toxics Link in the meeting. Read More…

Latest From Toxics Link


Domestic Hazardous Waste: An Emerging Concern In India


Recommerce Expo 2023 Pioneers Sustainability at Centre Stage


Towards Zero Waste: Circular Economy (CE) in Waste Management


Strengthening capacities for managing Biomedical waste

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