How To Play The Game


Training & practice constitute the most crucial part of learning. This is no less relevant when it comes to understanding the nuances of bio-medical waste management also. Traditionally, trainings on BMW management have been heavily reliant on centralized training modules, which can at times become very monotonous and one sided. Toxics Link has been engaged in the process of building capacity of various stakeholders across the country for over a decade now and we have long felt the need for an interactive platform for imparting trainings on BMWM without losing out on the interest levels of the participants. The reason mentioned above has lead to development of ‘Think & Throw which is an attempt at upgrading the current regime of trainings on bio medical waste management.

1. Game Play:

The game is designed in such a way that the participant(s) get virtual hands on experience of the situation. The game has two modes of play namely the story mode and the scene mode. Besides imparting information on the basics of segregation, transportation & disposal, the game also tries to address various situations like body fluid spill management, sharps management etc. to name a few.

2. Application:

A. Target Audience: This game targets the following role players in the healthcare facilities:

(i) Doctors

(ii) Nurses

(iii) Administrative Staff

B. Areas of usage: It can be used in training sessions for larger audience by a health care facility or as a one to one interaction tool by any healthcare staff.

3. How to Play

A. Modes of playing: There are two modes of play:

(i) Scene Mode: There are three scenarios which a person can play in this game i.e. the Ward, Lab and the Operation Theatre. In this mode, a player can choose any one scenario in which he/she is interested. After completing each scenario player can go back to the home screen and select another scenario of his/her choice.

On starting the game, there will be a spokesperson called Bindas who will appear on the screen to introduce the game and its features to the player. The challenge for the player is to segregate the various identified wastes’ in to corresponding bins. The nature of the wastes’ present is dependent on the scenario the player is in. There is a review section present at bottom left part of the screen which can be visited by a player in case of any confusion or in case player is not able to identify correct bins for the provided waste material. These wastes can be disposed in the bins through drag and drop method.

(ii) Story Mode:In this player will get options to select the role he/she wants to play in the hospitals. There will be three such options in the game i.e. – a. Doctor, b. Nurse, c. Administrative Staff.

After selecting one of these roles, directions of playing will be given to the player and he/she will be directed to the ward scenario. .The successful completion of one scenario will qualify the player to enter the consecutive scenarios. The nature of interaction Bindas will have with various categories of players will differ according to the roles they play in the health care facility.

4. Scoring : Performance of a player will be evaluated in the form of marks given to him/her. Each correct answer will provide one point to the player which will be shown in the form of a pie chart on the screen and each incorrect answer will lead to a negative mark. In this way at the end of each scenario, player will get total marks which he/she scored after disposing all the waste material provided in that scene. This will help them analyze their level of knowledge about BMW management.

5. The Online Version : Online version of this game provided on this website is only for trial purpose. Therefore, only the ward scenario under the scene mode can be played. To those who want to play the complete game,which is available in hard copies, please make queries by mailing us at .


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