Factsheet 59 on Perfluorohexanesulfonic Acid Its Salts
Title: Factsheet 59 on Perfluorohexanesulfonic Acid Its Salts
Publication Type: Factsheets
Year of Publication: 2020
Abstract:PFHxS was introduced as an alternative to PFOS. The chemical has been identified as toxic and steps have been taken to restrict the use of the chemical in various products. Further, there are also stringent regulations in place on the presence of the chemical in drinking water and food products In 2017, The European Union had identified PFHxS and its salts as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and it has been added to REACH SVH list. Therefore, due authorization from The European Chemical Agency is required to place the chemical in the market. There are few research studies on presence of PFHxS in the environment and human health but they are not representative of the detailed situation and impact of PFHxS and its salts in India. In India, there is no regulation or restriction on the use of PFHxS and its salts.