Waste to Energy Plants
ANSWERED ON: 16.12.2021
Waste to Energy Plants
Raksha Nikhil Khadse
Manoj Kishorbhai Kotak
M.K. Vishnu Prasad
Will the Minister of NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY be pleased to state:-
(a) the quantum of power generated from waste garbage/material in the country so far;
(b) whether the Government proposes to provide financial assistance for the projects working in the area of waste-to-energy such as Biogas/CBG/BIO-CNG projects/plants for which the subsidy part has still not been clear for the ongoing financial year and if so, the details thereof;
(c) the financial assistance provided by the Government during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;
(d) the details of the waste to energy project implemented successfully in the country, district-wise, including Mumbai; and
(e) the further the steps taken/being taken by the Government to promote initiatives like tie up with solid waste management companies, municipal corporations and technology institutes to boost the Waste-to-Energy programme?
(a) As on 30.11.2021, Waste to Energy plants of total capacity of 117.1 MW have been installed for power generation from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the country.
(b) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has been implementing a Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial, Agricultural Wastes/ Residues and Municipal Solid Waste during FY 2018-19 to 2020-21. Central Financial Assistance (CFA) under the Programme for setting up Waste-to-Energy plant was granted on successful commissioning and performance testing.
The programme which was valid till 31.03.2021, has been recommended for continuation by EFC for the period FY 2021-22 to 2025-26 only for meeting the already created liabilities. Thus no new projects after 31.03.2021 are to be sanctioned.
(c) Under the Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial, Agricultural Wastes/ Residues and Municipal Solid Waste, Central Financial Assistance provided to the developers for installation of Waste-to-Energy plants during last three years and the current year, as on 30.11.2021,is placed at Annexure-I.
(d) Under the Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial, Agricultural Wastes/ Residues and Municipal Solid Waste, details of the waste to energy project installed in the country, as on 30.11.2021, are given at Annexure-II.
(e) To promote installation of Waste to Energy plants, followings steps are taken:
- Eight Biogas Development and Training Centers (BDTCs) have been established at India’s premier Institutions to provide Technical Assistance, R & D, Testing and Validation of New Biogas Models / Designs, field inspections of biogas plants, and training and skill development.
- Ministry’s autonomous institute National Institute of Bio Energy (NIBE), Kapurthala is providing capacity building through M. Tech program on Renewable Energy in joint collaboration with NIT Jalandhar. The institute has also signed MOUs with CSIR-CMERI, Junagarh Agriculture University, Indian Biogas Association and other prominent institutes for research in biogas, solid waste management and other bioenergy aspects.
iii. NIBE is also collaborating with US Energy labs, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for research work in bioenergy sector.
- Under the amended Tariff Policy-2016, provision has been made for Distribution Licensee(s) to compulsorily procure 100% power produced from all the Waste-to-Energy plants in the State.
- Ministry of Road Transport and Highways amended the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 in June 2015 and included the provisions for usage in motor vehicles Bio-CNG produced from waste (including MSW).
- National Policy on Biofuels-2018 promotes the production of Bio-CNG and other biofuels.
vii. Government announced Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) Initiative, under which Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) purchase Bio-CNG produced from waste including municipal solid waste.
viii. Certificates for availing concession on custom duty are being issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for import of machinery and components required for initial setting up of projects for generation of Power and Bio-CNG from non-conventional materials including municipal waste.